A few angels

A few angels

There were a few times when I travelled in the space between awake and sleeping state. It is that moment in time when one perceives information both from the physical realm around and also from a different world, different space. Those who experienced that, we know these are not dreams.

On one such trip, I was in a big saloon, with 40, 50 beings, angels maybe. They were tall, dark white, with wings along their bodies. They were having a conversation. My feeling was of belonging, of being on familiar ground. None of them paid particular attention to me. I was somehow home. When talking about it after, someone asked me if they were male or female. They were all the same,  that’s what I can say.

Another such travel is the one in which I met my guardian angel. He was wet, sitting. His colour was a dirty yellow as if he’s been a long time in the rain. Another thing I distinctly remember was the insight: “So I have to take care of you, too”. He was what I thought at that time to be my guardian angel, but either he changed or we have allocated many such beings, not all my angels’ experiences involve angels in distress.

There was a time during the recession in Romania when my angel was not wet at all. Then, for a year I was every day one step away from becoming homeless. Working 12 hours a day, negotiating for every hour on this planet, walking a mile on high heels to the office, no money for the bus. It was then when I asked my angel to come and help me fall asleep during the night. He would come, lie next to me, spread one of his wings. The instant his wing reached the bed, covering my entire body, I would fall asleep. The process was a matter of seconds. He came every single time I called him.

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