about me

  • Intuitive / Empathic / From a very intuitive family
  • Diploma of Higher Education in Psychology from The Open University, accredited by The British Psychology Society
  • Bruised, battered and analyzed 49 years
  • Balanced
  • Quit watching TV in 2011
  • I do not take myself too seriously
  • I take every one of my clients very seriously

My name is Mihaela Albu, which translated is Mihaela “The white”. I’ve been living in Scotland, in all 3 regions of Romania (Transylvania, Moldavia, Greater Walachia) and now I am in Torquay, England. I have touched on Psychology, Philosophy, Metaphysics, Religions and Esoteric Schools. I’ve had, myself and with my clients wonderful experiences with reiki. I have been in each and every one of the life scenarios illustrated in the tarot cards, at one point or another. I have met all the archetypes in the Major Arcane… I was in Hell and back, in Purgatory, but Heaven, also. I continuously search and expand and try to help others to.

Every person in my family had ‘out of ordinary experiences’. I’ve had quite a few, myself and around the age of 33, I came to accept how well my intuition works. Gradually, I welcomed these out of ordinary occurrences and searched for explanations in science and esoteric schools. I will talk a bit more about them in the “Blog” section.

With the tarot cards, I have a long history. The cards came to me and somehow I knew what to do with them and what they are saying as if the knowledge was downloaded directly into my system. After connecting my intuition with the tarot cards, I looked at the scholar part, so I can understand what is happening at a mental level, as well. I found in books about tarot and about reiki what I already knew inside myself. Like anything, it is universal knowledge that can be learned or accessed directly from Akashic Records.


I believe Reiki and Tarot are powerful tools when used properly. I am constantly looking for connections between practical and spiritual. I read books recommended by esoteric schools specialists, I watch all the documentaries and movies I can find, I exchange ideas on the internet, with professionals all over the world, I listened so far to 6 – 700 spiritual teachers and psychologists. I get into the history and the technicalities of these disciplines keeping in mind a quote from Dalai Lama: “How is that helping people?”. The many difficulties and lessons in my past are at use to assist my clients in the present. Although I don’t take myself too seriously, I take seriously each and every one of those coming to see me.

I had nicknames because I would read a few books a week; at that time and in that part of the world, books were the only source of development and knowledge. I remember a period when I set myself to at least 111 pages a day. My mother used to force me to go out and play.

Everybody was using a form of esoteric knowledge or another. The earthquake in 1986 was felt by my brother Cristian, 10 minutes before it happened… part of my then and now normality. I will try to write about these normal things (just not understood by science yet) as much as time allows me to. If you want to know more, just ask.  Everyone is welcomed as a friend on Facebook: Mihaela Albu | Facebook . Also, if you want to see what my clients have said about me over the years, you can type <Wheel of creating> on Google or Yell.com.